The support industries include textiles and garments, leather and footwear, electronics, and automobile manufacture and assembly, in addition to mechanical engineering and products of support industries for hi-tech, and individuals and organisations conducting production research and developing products on the priority list.

According to economist Ngo Tri Long, support industries have a great potential for development in the context of integration, but he also said that most of the local enterprises in the industries are small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) which find it difficult to access good loans. This results in their costs and expenses rising, which makes it difficult for them to compete in the integration.

Thus, the draft is in accordance with decree 111/2015/ND-CP which takes effect from January 1, 2016, and aims to boost the development of local supporting industries.

In the draft, SMEs of supporting industries can not only enjoy an incentive short-term lending rate which does not exceed the short-term lending interest rate, but they can also be considered for loans up to 70 per cent of the investment capital. The draft states some pre-conditions for the loans. They must have a total asset value of at least 15 per cent of the loan while the equity participation must spend at least 20 per cent on investment projects.

Moreover, at the time of requesting loans, the enterprises cannot have any outstanding debts.

While welcoming the draft, Le Quoc Hiep, owner of a support industry business in HCM City's Binh Tan District, said SBV should clarify which banks the SMEs should go for their loans and what is the fixed interest rates for the loans. They should also clarify what obligations banks require as there are many banks which are not always willing to lend to support industries like his.

The Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry says that by 2020, Viet Nam will be aiming to become an industrialised country with high competitiveness of support industry products and meet 45 per cent of essential demand for domestic production, consumption, while exporting 25 per cent of its industrial production value.

Source: VIR

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