KPMG & VNIP are delighted to introduce our publication Vietnam Investment Handbook 2021.his publication outlines the fundamentals of investing in Viet Nam, highlights typical and updated regulations that investors should be aware of for a successful market entry and smooth operation in Viet Nam.

To download, please click the link below:

About VNIP

Vietnam Innovation Parks (VNIP) is at the forefront of our country’s industrial transformation in bridging regional opportunities to local communities. We develop and manage our diverse portfolio of Integrated Industrial Parks and Townships across Vietnam with quality and integrity.

By embracing the government’s Public-Private Partnership initiatives and leveraging our strategic access to unique land banks, we are leading a new chapter in industrial development.

We align our effort and ambition with local communities to help achieve sustainable master plans, that elevate their natural competitive advantages to build a brighter future.

Our united strength as a team of multinational and local veterans with deep roots in Vietnam shapes our forward outlook, while enabling us to provide complete integrated strategies and solutions to our network of local and global investors and partners.

Combining depth of experience with a distinctive set of values, VNIP is emerging as the prominent partner in bridging cross-border opportunities while advancing Vietnam's industrial transformation, competitiveness, and reputation across the region.

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