The Vietnam Blockchain Association will open a series of discussions about the potential of blockchain technology from leading experts in the field, shedding light on legal policy issues, opportunities, and potential risks surrounding blockchain applications at the Vietnam Blockchain Summit 2022.

The Vietnam Blockchain Summit 2022 will take place at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi from October 19-20, 2022, organised by Vietnam Software & IT Services Association and the Vietnam Blockchain Association.

Nguyen Thi Quynh Nhu, a representative of Vietnam Blockchain Association said: “Vietnam Blockchain Summit 2022 is determined to bring several resonant topics, such as supporting Project 844 on National Innovation; promoting the application of technology to contribute to the digital economy; enhancing international connectivity and cooperation; universalising potential and solutions for applying blockchain technology for businesses and products.”

Blockchain technology is considered an ace in the hole in the digital transformation process but is often confused with cryptocurrency, which is just one of many applications of blockchain technology.

Therefore, through the Vietnam Blockchain Summit 2022, the Vietnam Blockchain Association wants to open up a comprehensive view of this technology, including the legal framework for digital assets around the world, the potential for blockchain applications in new industries such as fintech, and traditional areas such as healthcare, education, logistics, and agriculture.

With more than 20 discussion sessions, the summit is also a forum for speakers from the Vietnam Blockchain Association as well as international experts to discuss the expanding trends of blockchain technology through a series of concepts such as NFT, Metaverse, DeFi, and DAO that are at the heart of the 4.0 revolution, which Vietnam needs to grasp and keep up with if it wants to take the initiative in the technology race.

Topics will include NFTs, digital tokens said to have the potential to be used for digital identity management; the Metaverse as a post-reality universe that allows participants to experience the real and virtual worlds seamlessly, thereby enhancing the strength of the economy; as well as DeFi and DAO, new ways to approach the economy that promote transparency but still ensure safety and reduce human-related processes, which are fully digitised through the help of smart contracts and blockchain networks.

More than that, the summit is an opportunity for startups or companies operating in the blockchain field to contribute their voices, develop ideas, and present their own technological solutions in different fields.

The Vietnam Blockchain Summit 2022 bring together thousands of specialised speakers, leaders of blockchain businesses, managers, technology developers and senior experts on blockchain locally and internationally. The summit will focus on discussions about the latest development trends, policies and the newest technology solutions with blockchain applications, quality blockchain products and projects, and connecting investors for cooperation.

Source: VIR

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