For many years, at the end of the year, Lee & Man Hau Giang Paper Company has organized gifts to the poor and disadvantaged people in the provinces and cities of the Mekong River Delta, contributing part to help them celebrate the spring festival.

During the years with Hau Giang, Lee & Man Paper Company has always cared and organized many practical support activities to help and support the poor and disadvantaged people in Hau Giang province. Following community-oriented activities, on the days bordering on the New Year's Eve 2021, Lee & Man Paper Company cooperated with a number of agencies and organizations to give gifts to the poor and needy in Hau Giang province as well as some provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta.

Recently, Lee & Man Paper Company awarded 500 gifts worth VND 250 million to the poor, people with difficult circumstances in localities such as Hau Giang, Soc Trang, Can Tho, Vinh Long, Tra Vinh. At the same time, Lee & Man Paper Company also donates 20 million VND to the Fund of the Association of Agent Orange Dioxin Victims of Hau Giang Province to help the victims who are unfortunately infected with Agent Orange feel secure to welcome Tet.
According to the leader of Lee & Man Paper Company, for many years operating in Vietnam, the company has made many positive contributions to help people in the Mekong Delta improve their lives. The activity of giving gifts on every Tet occasion to the poor and people in difficult circumstances has been an annual activity and also shows the social responsibility of Lee & Man Paper Company to the community.

Along with supporting local people in the Mekong Delta to celebrate the Spring Festival, Lee & Man Paper Company is always interested in the lives of workers at the Company. Tet this year is different than any other when the whole society has just gone through a difficult year because of the Covid-19 pandemic and up to now, the epidemic is still complicated. However, Lee & Man Paper Company still tries to maintain the Tet bonus policy for all employees of the Company with the total amount of 7.7 billion VND, helping them to safely celebrate Tet.

In addition to the Tet bonus policy for employees, Lee & Man Paper Company also implements a lot of remuneration policies to support employees in all aspects, including the investment of VND 380 billion by Lee & Man Paper Company. to build dormitory for the team of experts and employees of the Company; at the same time, to organize training programs to improve labor qualifications; implementing a campaign to improve labor quality in the locality, creating favorable conditions for Vietnamese employees to develop.

The meaningful actions of Lee & Man Paper Company for local people in the Mekong Delta and the company's staff have created a beautiful image, warm the community's heart during the days bordering on New Year's Eve 2021 This is the responsibility and also the necessary concern of FDI enterprises such as Lee & Man Paper Company in the complicated time of the Covid-19 pandemic today.

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