Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone is located in the Northwest of Ho Chi Minh City, planned to be a trade gateway to global trade of the city and the southern key economic zone. After more than 10 years of construction and development, as a catalyst for boosting economic, trade and investment cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam and international partners, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone has made positive contributions to the overall industrial output value of Ho Chi Minh City. Particularly, the performance of the industrial park has brought new nuances to the industrial economy in the northwest of Ho Chi Minh City, resulted to the formation of factories, created jobs for local labourers, and contributed to the industrialisation and modernisation process.

Attracting investment with unique advantages

Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone was invested by Northwest Saigon City Development Corporation (SCD), whose main shareholder is Kinh Bac City Development Share Holding Corporation (KBC) under Saigon Invest Group (SGI) - the leading developer of industrial parks in Vietnam. The industrial zone covers a total area of 590 ha, of which 359 ha is rentable industrial land for Vietnamese and foreign investors and 48 ha is housing, health, banking and other facilities.

The first advantage of Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone is its favourable location and convenient traffic access well-connected with provinces, cities and major economic centres of the Southeast and the Southwest. Specifically, the industrial zone faces National Highway 22 - a section on the Trans-Asia Highway that runs from Ho Chi Minh City to Cambodia; lies on National Highway 1A - the most important trans-Vietnam traffic route that runs across the heart of a half of Vietnamese provinces and cities and interlinks four largest cities of Hanoi, Da Nang City, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho City; and sits on Provincial Road 8 that interconnects the Key Triangle Economic Zone comprised of Long An province, Binh Duong province and Ho Chi Minh City. Besides, Tan Phu Trung is only 25 km from the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, 15 km from Tan Son Nhat International Airport, 27 km from Saigon Port, 20 km from Saigon Railway Station, 55 km from Moc Bai Border Gate, 35 km from the centres of Long An and Binh Duong provinces, helping investors to save both time and expense of travelling and transporting commodities to and from the industrial zone. Furthermore, among industrial parks in Ho Chi Minh City, Tan Phu Trung has the largest land fund for investors in addition to very good ground properties, thus providing investors with more investment options and enabling them to reduce overall investment costs. Additionally, the appeal of Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone lies in its synchronous planning and complete infrastructure. With the motto “Long-term stability - solid steps to the future”, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone meets all requirements of investors for technical infrastructure system with internal traffic system, power grid, and water supply and drainage system, as well as provides comfortable accommodations for foreign experts and workers. Other competitive advantages include diversified products for tenants such as industrial land for factory, warehouse and workshop construction.

In addition to its prime location, synchronous infrastructure system and diversified products, the allure of Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone also comes from the support of local authorities in Ho Chi Minh City, hence facilitating stable and growing business operations of tenants. An official from the Management Board of Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone said, “In the past years, Vietnam’s investment laws, particularly those concerning foreign investment, have been continuously improved towards publicity, transparency and consistency with international practices to assure investors of the investment environment in Ho Chi Minh City in general and in Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone in particular. Into the bargain, administrative procedures are gradually being applied with the so-called one-stop single-window mechanism where paperwork is settled swiftly and simply so as to help investors in Ho Chi Minh City at large and in Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone in particular to reduce costs and lower prices to enhance their business performance.”

Sharing with investors companion commitments

Tenants in Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone are provided with the best conditions for favourable production and business performance, as well as granted attractive incentive policies and practical investment procedures, typically a two-year exemption of corporate income tax and a 50 per cent reduction in the next four years, and free installation of power transformers for manufacturing factories. Besides, competitive rent policies, flexible payment methods, dedicated consultancy and support services, full-package legal procedure supports for projects, and employment supports help investors save much time and cost. Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone also regularly surveys tenants to know about their sentiment, addresses emerging issues and improves service quality to ensure best service to investors in all aspects.

Existing advantages of location, traffic, labour resources, synchronous planning and investor supports make Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone an ideal destination to many domestic and foreign investment projects engaged in different industries such as mechanics, packaging, food and pharmaceutical. Especially, at the beginning of 2017, the atmosphere at Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone became more exciting as many investors started to build their factories. This result partly demonstrated the growing appeal of Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone to investors.

According to our survey, most investors are very circumspect in selecting industrial parks and associated social services for their long-term projects because of investment costs and related legal procedures. And, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone has always been supporting all investors to a maximum in order to help them dispel their doubts and concerns. The Management Board of Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone pledges that “In any circumstance, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Zone always creates the best and most favourable conditions for investors to carry out effective production and business operations. Furthermore, the industrial zone will always strive to develop and seize every opportunity it has to meet demands of investors, customers and partners in the fastest and best manner and to become a trusted address for investors seeking long-term stable development and solid future.

Source: VCCI

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