The disbursement of public investment in July fell by 1.7% compared to the previous month due to COVID-19 but the total figure for the first seven months of 2021 still rose by 5.6% over the same period last year.

According to the General Statistics Office, total public investment disbursed during the January-July period was estimated at VND210.8 trillion (nearly US$9.2 billion), equivalent to 44.3% of the yearly target.

In July, the strong flare-up of COVID-19 affected the implementation of public investment projects as social distancing measures of varying degrees were imposed in 19 southern provinces and cities.

Reports show that construction of many projects had to be halted or that progress was extremely slow.

But project investors, management units and contractors are doing their best and pledge they will accelerate construction after the social distancing period so as not to affect overall progress.

In order to enhance public investment disbursement, the Government has requested ministries and local authorities speed up site clearance and quickly deal with any obstacles arising.

Source: VCCI

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