According to Decision 34/2016/QD-TTg dated August 23, 2016 of the Prime Minister, at the latest two hours before reaching the border gate, inland waterway transport means of Vietnam and Cambodia entering seaports and inland ports must submit electronic documents to NSW. At most 30 minutes after the time of completing electronic declaration procedures and showing sufficient documents required, port authorities will grant licenses for vessels to enter ports via NSW.
To leave seaports and inland ports, owners or operators of inland waterway vessels of Vietnam and Cambodia must submit electronic documents at least two hours before their departure. Electronic licences will be issued to vehicles at most 30 minutes after completing electronic declaration procedures and showing all sufficient documents required.
Foreign ships in transit must provide information on security statement at least 24 hours before arriving at seaports; transiting ships must notify at least 12 hours before of their arrival at mooring sites; and they must confirm transit at least two hours before reaching the disembarkation area.
Transit vessels with seagoing period of less than five days must provide information on goods and bills of lading at least 12 hours before reaching anchorage areas, and other ships must give notification at least 24 hours before their arrival. Electronic transit permits will be issued within one hour after completing declaration procedures and sending electronic records. This decision takes effect on November 15, 2016.

Source: VCCI

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