The Candidates are: (In alphabetical order)

Chairperson Candidate
01. Mr. Michael Chiu
General Committee Member Candidates
01. Mr. Frederick Burke       
02. Mr. Cherish Chan       
03. Mr. Patrick Chung Wai Fu       
04. Mr. Neil Harvey       
05. Mr. Ivor Cosimo Jencks       
06. Mr. Alan Kan
07. Ms. Winnie Lam
08. Mr. Lu Rong Lin
09. Mr. Lo Kwok Luen
10. Mr. Pham Hong Hai
11. Ms. Stella So
12. Mr. Water Sung Wai Fung
13. Mr. Danny Tse
14. Mr. Frederick Wong
15. Ms. Christina Yu

Please click HERE to view the resumes of the Candidates.

Kindly come to vote on the Election Day to cast your support to the candidate(s), only the 13 (thirteen) candidates including the Chairperson, obtaining the highest votes on a single ballot shall be elected the General Committee Members, based on our new proposed Constitution Amendment.

In case you cannot make it that day, please cast your vote by sending us your ABSENTEE BALLOT by fax/email/post before Election Day, or fill in the PROXY FORM to authorize other Members to vote for you by proxy on the spot.

Thank you for your kind attention.
We look forward to seeing you at the Election Day.
Yours sincerely,
General Committee

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