and are willing to donate a minimum of US$10,000 as fund in support of HKBAV activities during the term.
The objective for this program is to expand HKBAV exposure in Hong Kong so that we can recruit more Members. Also, it will help our existing Members to seek more business opportunities with the new potential investors.
We are pleased to inform you that two candidates were nominated and got 76% votes from the Gen. Comm. Members as follows:

1. Dr. Jonathan K.S. Choi, JP - President of Sun Wah Group
2. Dr. Chan Tung, SBS, BBS, JP - Chairman of Chan Tung & Sons Holdings Co, Ltd. 
As the Objectives and Prerequisite of this program, the profiles of these two Candidates are attached herewith for your reference.

Nevertheless, since this is the first time of such program, the title 'Honorary Chairman' is not set forth in HKBAV Constitution, the Gen. Comm. Members have decided to send this announcement to all Ordinary Members to seek your vote/comment to this issue so that this nomination can be made official. 
Please be notified that the deadline for giving the vote is Mon. January 31st, 2008 - 5:00pm, we will have to assume your silent agreement if we do not receive your vote on or before the deadline. We'll then proceed to amend the Constitution by adding the position 'Honorary Chairman' as mentioned accordingly.
Please use the attached Form to cast your vote before the deadline as mentioned.

Please download here for the Chinese version

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