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We would like to share with you the new Charity Committee Members who will serve for the term of 2022-2023 per the following:
Chair - Charity Committee:
Ms. Stella So - Asia Target International Limited
Charity Committee Members:
1. Mr. Neil Harvey - Arup Vietnam
2. Mr. Raymond Ho - Vietnamobile Telecommunications JSC
3. Mr. Jerome Ly - Savyu Vietnam
4. Ms. Susanne Sun - Sunway International Limited
5. Mr. James Young - WMC Group
The Committee members will convene 4 to 6 times in a calendar year to discuss various proposals sourced by the committee/members or other requests from external organizations. They will help set the direction of projects HKBAV will take one and contribute to our direction whitepaper for charity. They will review all “Request for Grant” documents and conduct necessary due diligence before making a recommendation to the General Committee for funds. They will also participate in the evaluation of projects completed for the proper reporting to the members annually.
If you have any initiatives you believe HKBAV should involve in, please contact the Secretariat as a starter at hcmc@hkbav.org