Imagine a world where every child has access to books and creative activities, regardless of their background or economic status. That's the vision behind The Library of Dreams, a social enterprise project founded by Ms. Nguyễn Phi Vân in 2014. Since then, the project has established 183 libraries in 25 provinces and cities, with a goal of building 1,000 libraries by 2030. The project focuses on selecting primary schools with dedicated principals and provides each library with furniture, books, wall paintings, and instructions for book classification. The Library of Dreams aims to nurture imagination, promote a reading culture, and help children become global citizens.

One of the schools that has benefited from The Library of Dreams is Ban Me Elementary School, a bilingual Mong-Vietnamese primary school with a focus on fostering a reading culture among its students. However, due to economic constraints, the school lacks variety in genres and most of the books available to the students are old. That's why The Library of Dreams sought donations to provide 1,000 new books for the school, which cost 32,000,000 VND, from our HKBAV Charity Fund. The project was completed in February 2024 and benefited more than 249 students at Ban Me School.

We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and dream. By supporting The Library of Dreams, you can help us make a difference in the lives of Vietnamese children and empower them to become the leaders of tomorrow. Let's build a brighter future, one book at a time. Join us in this meaningful cause and donate today.

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